Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday Favorites - April Fools!

TGIF! It's been such a hectic week and with Easter only a couple of days away, it's just going to get even more busy. I am happy this week is coming to a end soon.

With so much going on, I look forward to relaxing and being silly on April 1st. So this week's theme is April Fools pranks. Here's our favorites:

Me: My favorite prank is the bug in the ice cube. I love to do it to other people but ewww, I hate when it's done to me. My husband got me once and, even though I knew it wasn't real, I still couldn't finish my drink lol!

Hubs: Why my husband thinks a fart machine is so funny is beyond me. Maybe it is one of life's mysteries. Or part of the Men are from Mar thing. I just don't get it.

Kids: The kids love the whoopee cushion and not just on April Fools. They use this thing to get people all the time! It's funny just seeing the kids react to someone sitting on a whoopee cushion!

That's all for this week's favorites. Do you have any funny April fools stories? Please share!



  1. That's fun. I once put plastic wrap on the toilet seat and my brother fell for it. My mom made me clean up the mess though... :(

    1. lol oh wow that is pretty funny....and messy :-/
